Spanish omelette

I’m currently keeping up the vegetarian lifestyle for lent and am quite enjoying it. Tonight I had a go at making something I love and have always wanted to try cooking, which is a Spanish omelette. The only time I normally have a Spanish omelette is when I’m away in Spain (or even in France) for breakfast or for lunch. I’ve tried one with chorizo and one with mixed peppers and cheese. A Spanish omelette is ideal if you’re looking for something filling, compared to a standard British omelette which is quite thin. The added touch to a Spanish omelette is potato- that’s what makes it more filling.

I made one tonight with red onion, red peppers and mushrooms. I used an egg poacher pan to cook the Spanish omelette in. This type of pan is ideal as it’s deep and just the right diameter. I melted some butter in the pan and fried the chopped red onion until it started to soften. I then added the remaining ingredients in order of hardness (i.e. putting the ingredients in that takes the longest to cook first). The potatoes went in next, then the peppers and the mushrooms went in last.

Veggie ingredients

Once all of the ingredients were in and starting to soften, I poured in 4 beaten eggs. This amount of eggs filled up the pan perfectly and smothered the vegetables. I left it to cook on a medium heat until there was only a bit of uncooked egg on top.

Veggie omelette starting to cook

I wondered how to do the next stage, but luckily my father helped me out. I wanted to turn the omelette over so that I could cook the other side and not eat raw egg. My father got a plate and placed the omelette onto it. Then he placed the pan face down onto the omelette and turned the plate and pan the other way round. The omelette went back into the pan, which is when I noticed that I cooked one side of it a bit too much. It was slightly burnt, but I took caution to cook the other side for not so long.

The good side of the omelette

The Spanish omelette I made was enough to serve 2 people. I had half of it for my dinner tonight; the other half will be nice for lunch at work tomorrow. I don’t think I did too bad for my first attempt. I know not to cook it for as long next time, and I will be a bit braver and add some flavour, such as mixed herbs, tomatoes or cheese.


Happy reading and blogging!

Clare Bear 🙂

4 thoughts on “Spanish omelette

  1. […] of my own cooking as my parents carry on eating meat. I had a go at making a Spanish omelette, the first attempt I burnt it a little and my second attempt was much better and tastier. I also made a vegetarian […]


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